Relationships have an impact on the quality of our lives and the world at large,
Relationships are the key to living a happy and healthy life,
The world will be a better place by connecting people to learn and share our personal stories about building and nurturing meaningful relationships.
Our Mission
Connect people to share stories and build meaningful relationships that are
the key to a happier and healthier life.
Our Vision
Happier and healthier lives and communities through meaningful relationships.
Connections Central is an organization that focuses on relationship-building to strengthen community bonds, combat social isolation and loneliness, and overcome social division.
We offer gatherings in the Carson City, NV community that bring people together to share stories, have conversation, maybe make friends, and leave inspired.
We also partner with local agencies and community organizations where there is synergy that allows us to work efficiently together toward a common goal of strengthening the fabric of our communities.
is to create something that helps people
find meaning, contentment, understanding, and a sense of belonging and relevance in their lives and then...
bring that to the world around them.
CONNECTIONS is a social gathering that connects people of all ages and walks of life through storytelling and conversation.
CONNECTIONS is NOT therapy. You won’t get advice or answers, but you will make connections, hear stories, and have a thought-provoking experience.

Don's Inspiration for CONNECTIONS.
I think often about all my relationships, both past and present. My recent retirement allows me the time to reflect on the people who make my life story so unique, so special to me. You see, my ongoing story is entwined in their lives, their stories. It’s this loving collaboration that brings purpose and happiness to all of our lives.
This got me to do a bit of research. Harvard and many of the other prestigious universities (I couldn’t get into), have conducted evidence-based studies proving that positive relationships are the number one factor in living longer, healthier and happier lives.
I was not really surprised by these findings, but it occured to me that the true value of meaningful relationships doesn’t appear to be widely recognized or embraced despite the positive impact they have in our lives.
Technically, I am retired but it’s difficult for me to sit for long stretches, especially when I am struck with a big idea that connects to my life experience and my passion for helping others. I dedicated the last 35 years to building a company that focused on changing lives. I was blessed with founding
The Change Companies, based on the belief that positive change is possible. We created and improved Interactive Journaling, a process of helping people make positive life changes, and served over 25 million individuals worldwide. It is currently being used in almost every county in the United States.
“Aha,” I thought, why not convert my energy and expertise to helping people make loving connections to enrich their lives, particularly during a time when many social dynamics are sadly moving people toward isolation, loneliness and dissension.
CONNECTIONS Central, LLC is my final hurrah. It’s all about bringing individuals together, to discover or rediscover the beauty of loving and caring relationships. I plan to spend most of my remaining time and financial resources to making this happen.
We are off to a fabulous start as many highly skilled and dedicated people have volunteered to join in this cause. We hope you will join us as well on this joyous and vital journey.
Founder of CONNECTIONS Central